Chalking For Mental Health Community Fundraiser

Chalking for Mental Health is an event that takes place annually with the purpose of raising funds to support mental health education, awareness, and counseling support in our local community. During the event, participants use chalk to create colorful and meaningful artworks that convey messages of hope, empathy, and understanding about mental health challenges. The event aims to break the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage individuals to seek help and support when needed. By coming together and creating beautiful works of art, the community shows its commitment to promoting mental wellness and supporting those who are struggling with mental health issues.


Chalking for mental health aims to bring about a positive change in the lives of people by providing them with the necessary support, education, and advocacy.


Chalking for Mental Health aims to increase mental health awareness by providing funding for events and counseling activities in our community. 


By supporting mental health counseling expenses and promoting well-being, we can make a positive impact on the community and improve lives.

Let's go back in time to 2022.

In our first annual Chalking for Mental Health, we were able to have two wonderful singers from American Idol and The Voice; Clarissa Serna and David Kearney. It was a great turnout and we raised over $12,000 which provided over 2400 counseling sessions. The news clip of our event is below:

Let's go back in time to 2023.

The 2nd annual Chalking for Mental Health 2023 was such a huge success! Together we raised over $21,000! Many miracles happened on October 14th! The funds raised helped our surrounding community with counseling expenses. A big part of the event was the volunteers, Bee County Workers, Chalking for Mental Health Committee members, and everyone who came out to support this cause.